Kirk Kirlin’s coaching ministry has been a true-life saver and ministry saver.
After making the transition from a traditional local church ministry (spiritual entertainment and education) to the beginning steps of missional ministry (bringing God’s kingdom to our community), my church went through a civil war and eventually a split. Afterwards, I was feeling that I was very near the end of my pastoral rope and thought about leaving ministry for good. Then, a Detroit area pastor, who’s been coached by Kirk, introduced us.
For the next year (and counting) Jesus used Kirk to not only salvage my calling and the sense of God’s leading through my church problems, but he also breathed godly insight into my personal spiritual life.
Because of Kirk’s ministry, I am refreshed in God’s Spirit, I have an overwhelming sense of God’s hand upon me (even in the challenging times), and I have made the transition into Kingdom-oriented ministry. At New Beginnings, we call it an “Acts-periment”: doing and being the church based on the Book of Acts.
With Kirk’s coaching counsel fully implemented, our church was able to begin to turn things around. Now we are seeing salvations, baptisms, and a rebound in church attendance. But more than that, God’s kingdom is being preached and lived in our community! We are making a real difference for Jesus among those outside the Church.
I thank God for Kirk’s ministry to me and others like me. God is using Kirk to be a true life-saver and ministry-saver. If you are fortunate enough to be coached by him, he will bless you and your ministry.
Michael C. Wilson, Senior Pastor, New Beginnings Church Wayne, Michigan