In all walks of life, the most successful people benefit from working with a professional coach.

Good coaches help people reach their potential. Kirk Kirlin is one of them. He comes alongside pastors and helps them gain the clarity, courage, and confidence they need to lead at their best.

If you’ve ever wondered if coaching is for you, ask yourself:

  • Would you benefit from an experienced mentor to bounce ideas off of, or to check your perspectives in a supportive, non-judgmental way?
  • Would you like a relationship in which you have room to think, struggle, and be supported in taking decisive action?
  • Would you like to gain perspective on the challenges you’re facing? In your marriage, with your kids, or with your church board?

If so, this might be the most helpful invitation you’ve ever received.

The typical profile of a Kirlin Coaching client is a Senior Pastor of a church with a few hundred in worship.

  • You are committed to your development as a leader and a person of God.
  • You long to live an integrated life; to be the same person when you’re in the pulpit, office, and at home.
  • You’re clear that the thinking that has gotten you this far is insufficient to take you where you need to go next.
  • You’re ready to be stretched, challenged, and resourced in fresh ways of thinking about your leadership, your ministry, and yourself.

I invite you to contact me. We’ll set up an initial free consult. We will have a conversation, get to know one another, and decide whether we’re a good fit for each other.

Contact Kirlin Coaching by phone: 714/299-7774 or by email: [email protected]

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