Emotional Maturity

The Adventurous Life #3

Why is it that the Christian life is such an adventure? What has your experience been, following hard after God, as best you know? In my life, I repeatedly find myself in dilemmas that are completely beyond my ability.  This was far less common before I surrendered my life to Christ.  Now, it seems, the […]

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Leadership Courage Series #14:

Leadership in a Culture of Cowardice (part five) If the Church in North America is to become fully alive, awake, and influential, her pastors must become what they were always intended by God to be. Courageous leaders. What does it mean to live and lead courageously, particularly amidst a culture of cowardice? Here’s a quick

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Leadership Courage Series #12:

Leadership in a Culture of Cowardice (part three) What does it take to be a courageous leader, particularly amidst a culture that, for decades, has been steeped in cowardice? Can a pastor, denominational exec, or church leader actually turn the tide of emotional and spiritual regression before the Church loses what’s left of its traction

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Leadership Courage Series #11:

Leadership in a Culture of Cowardice (part two) After illuminating characteristics of a Culture of Cowardice and making sobering observations about how appropriately it applies to the Church, we’ve turned our attention to the kind of leadership that can serve to restore the Church to a place of redemptive influence in society.  Edwin Friedman, in

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